Non-Traditional Wedding Ceremonies

Love IS Love! And you want your wedding to fit who YOU and YOUR PARTNER ARE!

I help couples customize the “Ceremonial” part of their nuptials, so they have the memorable event that they envision.

How does that work?

We meet virtually via zoom, or Google Meet, at a specified time and date, for half an hour to 45 minutes, to talk about the details, including:

  • Special wording or writings you want or don’t want incorporated into the ceremony
  • Number of attendees
  • Location
  • Date and time
  • I also have an online form that will help me with the process of customizing the ceremony, so there is clarity of communication.
  • Would you require me to be at a rehearsal dinner or event, to work out the details?

I also recommend that the couple create a Pinterest board for envisioning a memorable ceremony.

House Blessings

New “to-you” home? Want that home to align with your own energy? Or are you selling a home that is lingering on the market?

A house blessing transforms the energy of the previous occupant, to neutralize that energy, to allow your energy to fill your home.

Think of some family heirloom you absolutely cherish, or a certain gift from someone makes you feel when you hold it or look at it. Think of how you NEVER want to give that object up. You are experiencing a certain memory, and since everything is energy, even inanimate objects hold those memories and energies. A house blessing can help to let those energies go, so you can charge your energy within and you will feel the difference.

How does that work?

We meet virtually via zoom, or Google Meet, at a specified time and date, to talk about the details, including:

  • What outcome you’d like to achieve as to what you would like to let go of and what you want to welcome into your home
  • We arrange a date and time, for me to come to your home for the house blessing
  • I will also leave you a few tools for you to use, for keeping the energy that you would like to enhance in your home
  • Optional: If you choose, I will leave you with a pure doTERRA essential oil to diffuse, called Purify. This essential oil has a natural cleansing scent, and I often use it in my diffuser at home

Custom Ceremonies and Gatherings

Since I believe energy is all that surrounds us, as well as we are energetic beings, that energy can get stagnant. We can feel stuck, simply because we aren’t able to deal with that energy ourselves. I can help you to identify the feelings and emotions in that energetic field and customize a ceremony specially designed to both release that which no longer serves you, and invite in what will benefit your highest good.

How does that work?

Custom ceremonies are ways to:

  • Honor what has been
  • Move through grief
  • Celebrate what is to come
  • Explore a milestone in your life or in the life of someone you love
  • Celebrate a rite of passage (a graduation that maybe got put on hold because of the pandemic

And much more

Monthly Ceremonies

Need to release or let go of something that isn’t working in your world? Need a breather from the everyday? Once a month, let’s gather as a community, to a location (Oregon Coast/A beautiful hike in Washington State/Some place outdoors locally you’ve always wanted to go) and we’ll honor both the beauty that surrounds us, and the beauty that is YOU. I’ll do my research, and we can enjoy a bite nearby, afterward.